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How long do you keep your business files? Do you keep them forever or do you get rid of them after a certain length of time? Keeping files for a business is different than keeping your personal files. There are many different types of files that need to be kept at different lengths of time. Over the years small business owners have asked me these questions. To be honest, the IRS doesn’t have a clear, across the board answer to this question so here is what I suggest. If you wish to visit the website, click here.
First, let’s go through how long you should keep your personal records.
For personal files, you can review and shred after three years if you haven’t been audited. Keep all the supporting documents that relate to your tax return and get rid of the rest. Things to keep would be W-2s, expense reimbursements, mileage logs, itemized support paperwork like mortgage taxes and investment capital gains paperwork, etc… When to shred? If the tax year is 2016 and file/pay it in April 2017, you could go through the paperwork and shred after April 2020.
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How long to keep general small business records?
For small businesses, there are much more types of paperwork to go through and you will probably need to keep it longer. For small businesses, I recommend 7 years. That would mean if you filed April 2017, you should keep the files until 2024 at earliest. That is the maximum number of years the IRS requires you to keep your files if you filed a legitimate return.
Items to keep that are included in general records.
Income receipts: Cash register tapes, Deposit information (cash and credit sales), Receipt books, Invoices
Submitted forms: 1099-misc submitted to IRS and other informational documents
Expense receipts: Resale items, the material used, the cost of goods sold, canceled checks, electronic email receipts, credit card statements, bank statements, petty cash, travel, transportation, entertainment, gift expenses, etc…
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Paperwork to keep for at least 2 years?
Keep canceled insurance policies for at least 2 years after the policy ended especially if you had a claim. This is being conservative but I rather be safe than sorry.
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Paperwork to keep for at least 4 years?
Keep staff files for 4 years from the date they left or was terminated.
The IRS specifically mentions employment taxes records which are very important to keep safe and secure and must be shred to protect everyone’s privacy. Keep employment tax records for at least 4 years after the paid date of the tax. So, if you pay your 941 in January for 2016 4th quarter, you should keep your employment taxes till after January 2020. Though I still think keeping payroll documents and payroll tax returns for 7 years is better. For more information about what to keep for your employment tax recordkeeping, please click here.
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Paperwork to keep for at least 6 years?
Mortgage agreements or other asset documents, like machinery and furniture, are important to keep. Be sure to keep information about your assets, like purchase price and date, cost of any improvements, Section 179 deduction taken, deductions taken for depreciation, deductions taken for casualty losses, such as losses resulting from fires or storms, how to use the asset, when and how you disposed of an asset, selling pricing if you sold it, expenses of sales. The invoices, real estate closing paperwork, canceled checks, and sales receipts should have this information in it.
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Paper and emails to keep indefinitely?
There are also papers that you need to keep as long as the business is running. Here are a few examples.
Correspondences with clients, employees, and colleagues.
Correspondences that are in process or pending.
Business, corporation paperwork, stock records, profit sharing paperwork, copyrights, etc…
Current insurance policies
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Before purging any business files, be sure to do your own research and contact your accountant to confirm with them your exact situation and what you can get rid of safely. Always remember that ALL these sensitive records must be disposed of in a proper manner. Shredding the documents with a shredder like the ones below will maximize the security of all involved.
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I hope this helps you and your business clear up paper clutter and get rid of them in the most effective and secure way.
Let’s continue the conversation, do you have any tips on how to handle these records? Please leave a comment below.
This content belongs to Sabrina's Admin Services and should not be reused without the written consent from Sabrina Quairoli herself.